Barrie Home Inspector

Home Maintenance and Tips for Home Owners

Buying or Selling a Home in Innisfil

Buying or Selling a Home in Innisfil. There are a lot of emotions involved when buying or selling a home, but negotiating the price shouldn’t be.  Having a plan prior to negotiating is key to preventing stress during the turbulence involved in high-stakes negotiations.  Your Innisfil Real Estate Agent can guide you and advise you but eventually you must make the final decision.

First time home buyers get a lot of tips from friends, family and co-workers, much of which is probably good advice gleaned from their own home buying experiences.  Your Professional Innisfil Realtor has bought and sold hundreds of homes and is more prepared to advise you on many obstacles that may arise and often do.  The more you know, the better equipped you are to negotiate.

Plan your attack.  Determine what features you want and what they are worth to you. Know in advance the most you’re willing to pay, and with your agent work back from that number to determine your initial offer, which can set the tone for the entire negotiation. A too-low bid may offend sellers emotionally invested in the sales price; a too-high bid may lead you to spend more than necessary to close the sale.

When selling your home you want to present the best possible view of  your home.  Most Professional Innisfil Real Estate agents will help you in this area using their years of experience to guide you.  From making minor repairs to plumbing, electrical, caulking, sidewalks and painting, what your prospective buyer first sees when initially walking through your home is what is most likely the deciding factor in whether to entertain an offer.  Some Realtors will suggest you have your home Professionally staged to improve your homes presentation.

Most upscale homes now use professional staging companies to fully stage the property.  These professional companies supply furniture and accessories to enable prospective clients to see the home in the best light possible and so they can envision themselves living there.  Some Home Staging companies advertise that many of their homes will actually sell for more than the listing price.

People who earn a good salary but fail to qualify for a typical mortgage are frequently turning to the Rent to Own option, Rent to Own has become very popular in the Innisfil Real Estate market. A rent to own transaction is when a landlord agrees to lease a home to a tenant and the tenant has an option to buy the home for a pre-negotiated price before the end of the lease. The primary components of a rent to own transaction are the rental term, the purchase price, the upfront deposit, and the monthly rent credit.

When deciding to start looking for a new home, the first step you should take is getting yourself pre-approved by your financial institution of choice. When seeking preapproval, talk to a few different mortgage lenders to find the best mortgage package that suits your needs. Two or three lenders is usually enough to give you a reasonable idea of the amount of money to can afford to spend on a new home.

Your local Innisfil Real Estate Agent can share his knowledge and expertise to allow you to get more money from the sale or to save you money when buying your next property.  Utilize their tools and expertise and help ensure your next real estate transaction is a pleasurable experience with the knowledge that you got the best price possible whether buying or selling.

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