Barrie Home Inspector

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Home Improvement in Barrie

Home Improvement in Barrie –  Your guide to home improvements in the Local area.

How To Add Those Special Finishing Touches For Little Or No Money

Home is, as they say, where the heart is, so it is hardly surprising that we want it to look its best. We want our homes to reflect our tastes and design ideas and for it to be a welcoming, attractive place for ourselves and our guests to enjoy.

In these times of financial pressures and focus towards austerity, many families don’t have any spare funds to put towards little extras for their home. So how can we still add those special finishing touches to our homes while spending little or no money?  Here are some suggestions.

Looking  good

If a room is looking tired and in need of decorating, you can often freshen it up by attending to the details, rather than the whole room. Try painting or varnishing the skirting boards, picture rails, door frames and windowsills to brighten things up. Sometimes, changing lampshades or cushions can have the effect of a makeover too.

Storage is a tricky subject and it can be hard in smaller houses to keep things neat and tidy. Invest in shelving that can be added to or reduced in size so that you can keep up with the state of your belongings. If children’s toys are a problem, try putting some of them away for a while, then bringing them out at a later date. Result? You will have fewer toys to store and your kids will be delighted to be reunited with old favourites once more.

Sweet smell of success

Pot pourri, incense sticks and other proprietary room fragrances can be expensive and their scents can be overpowering. Why not try wiping your favourite essential oil over the glass part of a light bulb or leaving some on a radiator in a shallow dish? When the light or radiator is switched on, the heat will diffuse the fragrance into the room.

Place some water and slices of lemon in your microwave for a few minutes. Not only will it help loosen any stuck on food for cleaning it later, the citrus smells will also turn your kitchen into an aromatic heaven.

Make do and mend

If your table is looking a bit worse for wear, there’s no need to fork out for a new one straight away. A coat of paint, varnish or wood stain will refresh it in no time. Or, if you don’t want to do that, adding a simple table runner (these can be stitched from spare fabric) will really brighten it up.

You could even add a vase of flowers too for an instant touch of spring. Place a small lump of charcoal in the water to keep it pure and fresh for longer.

If you are handy with a sewing machine, you could have a go at making your own curtains. This will work out cheaper than purchasing off-the-peg ones, and you can customize them perfectly to match the themes in your room and the size of your windows. Sew a few marbles or small weights into the hems of unlined curtain to make them hang nicely. You could even try embroidering a design onto them to make them truly unique and personal.

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